Over the past five years, TOT has helped secure four major legislative wins, breaking a decade of stagnation. Each of these legislative wins passed with little margin; however, Missouri is potentially entering an era of accelerated education reform with new leadership in the Governor’s office alongside strong and aligned leadership in both houses of the state legislature. 

Governor Mike Kehoe spent significant time in his inaugural State of the State address on education, unequivocally supporting key policy priorities of The Opportunity Trust including improving access and quality of early childhood education, expanding school choice through the passing of Open Enrollment, and increasing accountability through more transparent data and stronger governance at the State Board of Education. 

In just the first few months of the legislative calendar, we have already seen unprecedented momentum with Open Enrollment legislation passing the House Education Committee with record support.

We hope to capitalize on this momentum and to accelerate progress toward a policy environment in the state that puts children first – driving learning and innovation, and improved academic and, ultimately, life outcomes for Missouri’s children.

Creating The Conditions for Continuous Improvement and Innovation 

For over a decade, Missouri lacked major legislative progress on public school choice and accountability. That’s changed in recent years, and with Governor Mike Kehoe making education reform a priority, momentum has accelerated.  He is joined by new legislative leaders who have championed policies to expand access to educational options and to ensure aligned funding for schools, further strengthening Missouri’s reform landscape.

In his first State of the State Address, Governor Kehoe called for bold changes to expand public school choice and strengthen accountability—two key pillars of TOT’s policy agenda. His support has helped move Open Enrollment closer than ever to becoming law. The bill recently passed the House Education Committee with its strongest-ever support (16-7), a major step toward allowing parents to choose the best public school for their children, regardless of district boundaries.

We know that securing Missouri’s future is only possible with a quality education for our children. Strengthening public education, expanding school choice, and empowering parents is critical to ensuring that every single student has the opportunity to get a world class education.

Governor Mike Kehoe

Additionally, public charter school access continues to expand under the proposed budget, which includes:

  • An additional $7 million for the revolving loan fund for public charter schools to support growth and sustainability.
  • $370 million in fully funded student transportation, removing a major barrier for public charter and rural schools.

While efforts are being made to advance public school choice, passing Open Enrollment will still require strong legislative backing and careful implementation to ensure equity. Some policymakers remain hesitant, and ensuring these policies prioritize students, not just system flexibility, will be critical. The Opportunity Trust is actively working with state leaders—including the Governor’s team and key legislators—to ensure these policies are implemented in a way that expands access to quality school options while maintaining strong accountability standards.

Modernizing School Funding to Encourage and Reward Outcomes

A modernized school funding system is essential for ensuring all students have access to quality public schools. Missouri’s funding model has historically prioritized institutional stability over student outcomes, making it difficult for high-performing schools to grow and serve more students.

Now, after years of advocacy for funding reform, momentum is building. Missouri’s leadership has launched the School Funding Modernization Task Force, a key step toward restructuring how dollars are allocated so that funding follows students, not systems. This shift comes after the passing of SB727 and aligns with TOT’s long-standing goal of creating a more equitable, student-centered approach to education funding.

This year’s budget also includes:

  • A $200 million increase to the Foundation Formula—laying the groundwork for a more equitable distribution of funds.
  • $30 million in Small School Grants to support flexible, high-quality school models, including public charter and innovation-driven schools.
  • $33 million for teacher salary increases to help schools attract and retain top educators.

While these investments are promising, funding alone does not drive improvement. Without a model that prioritizes quality public schools and student achievement, Missouri will continue facing the same systemic challenges. This further fuels our drive to turn policy into impact by identifying proof point schools, strengthening educator pipelines through our fellowships and targeted leadership training to ensure funding fuels measurable success.

Shaping Long-Term Education Policy 

While immediate legislative wins are critical, one of the biggest long-term shifts in Missouri education policy will come from leadership changes within the State Board of Education.

Because of lapsed terms, Governor Kehoe will have the option to appoint every member of the State Board of Education during his tenure, shaping Missouri’s education landscape for the next decade. These appointees will influence policies related to public charter school expansion, school and district accountability standards, and funding equity. A reform-aligned State Board presents a major opportunity to accelerate progress.

The Opportunity Trust is actively engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, advocating for leadership that will uphold a student-centered and outcome-oriented vision for Missouri’s schools.

Missouri is at a pivotal moment for education reform. With commitments from state leaders prioritizing public school choice, funding modernization, and accountability, we have the opportunity to create a system where every student has access to quality education.

Now is the time for education advocates to engage. If you’re a school leader, policymaker, or educator, we invite you to explore more through data analysis and an interactive data tool, offering valuable insights into Missouri’s education landscape and highlighting opportunities for impactful change. For continued updates on education in Missouri, follow The Opportunity Trust on LinkedIn.